
Donations from Bank Account Only
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Stewardship of God’s World
God has given us responsibility to be caregivers (“stewards”) of the world that God has made. “Stewardship” is our grateful response. As individuals and in community, we make choices about how to use God’s gifts, thinking about how our decisions affect ourselves and others. We ask how we can best serve God as faithful disciples of Christ.


One aspect of stewardship involves our giving financially to the church. Christians give in the full assurance that God provides sufficiently for what they need and that they are called to be faithful members of a church, giving back a part of what God has given to them, so that it can be used in the maintenance of the church’s ministry and service and witness among others.


Opportunities for giving
Our congregation encourages giving a planned proportion of personal income to the church — ten percent, which is known as a “tithe” — or some other percentage. Giving is thereby related to the amount of money each individual has. Those with lower income give as they are able, doing so with full commitment to participate. Those with higher income give more money, based on the same commitment to give.


Regular giving throughout the year
Giving is a part of our worship as a congregation. Church members and regular participants in our church life are encouraged to fill in a promise card at the beginning of each year, indicating what they expect to give. This pledge to give helps the church to plan. These gifts can be given as cash or checks placed in offering envelopes. It is also possible to use our online giving program or to arrange giving through direct bank transfer. All gifts which come from an identifiable individual are recorded. The church provides a year-end statement usable for tax purposes, to report the gifts as charitable contributions; an exception is gifts made online for which a statement valid for tax purposes comes from the app’s sponsor.


Special offerings
We participate in mission throughout the world, as a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


Through strong support of the yearly One Great Hour of Sharing offering, we give emphasis to programs that provide relief and development assistance all across the globe, including in the United States.


On the second Sunday of each month, we receive a hunger offering, part of which is used nationally and internationally and part of which supports West End’s efforts to alleviate hunger. Contributions of both money and non-perishable foodstuffs for our own food pantry are received.


Giving at the end of life
West End Presbyterian Church can be a beneficiary in a will. Heirs of a deceased member or friend of the church may designate a special gift in honor of their loved one. An individual planning a gift may or may not discuss this ahead with church leaders.


Sharing with others
Sharing the good things God has given us is both an obligation and a joy for us as Christians. In giving food, we honor Jesus. By befriending Muslims, immigrants, and their friends, we prepare ourselves to walk with them. In sharing space, we are blessed with new friends.


Click here to read Questions and Answers about online giving.